Keeping Animals Good

Human Rights   Mar 20, 2017 by Climategurl

If we can protect the living place of animallllls then they can keep living good and the places they live will also be good yes no

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5 Comment(s)

Ryan M.
Apr 12, 2017

I think that you should go into more depth on what you think we should do to protect them and how we can live in a symbiotic relationship.

Hannah Rinke
Mar 22, 2017


I am also looking at the impact the climate and emissions have on animals. Do you have any good websites on the topic?

Jessica Karafilov
Mar 23, 2017

Hey Hannah ( & Climategurl): 

Take a look here:

And here:


Jessica (program assistant @ GreenLearning)

Jessica Karafilov
Mar 22, 2017

Hey Climategurl!

Animalllllssss are importannntttt- the impact of one animal can have a a negative impact on the entire ecosystem.

I hope that in your Inquiry, you'll investigate how the ecosystems in Bancroft have changed due to climate change,  and what you can do about it.


Jessica (program assistant @ GreenLearning)

Mar 22, 2017

It's a yes for me! Protecting the natural habitat of wildlife enables the species themselves to be preserved.

Mar 20, 2017

very good