The effects of technology on mental illness

Mar 24, 2017 by Haley

       With the rising numbers of mental illnesses and the lowering numbers in people going outdoors, it is creating more of a block in what is going on in many peoples minds. There have been many studies, so far, that being outdoors and doing physical activity outside decrease mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety. By creating a society that is more nature based and less technology obsessed, it would reduce the rising numbers in mental illnesses.

        Another thing that is causing mental illness is the noticeable use of technology and what put into our mind on a daily basis. It is creating a fear ridden society, more so in young kids and teenagers, and making more people develop anxiety and depression. If your child is being cyber-bullied, they don,t want to tell you because they are afraid they will be punished for what is happening to to them; Even if we go around school-to-school and try and create awareness of what can happen to you on the internet, there will still be so many young people who still have a big problem of what they're looking at and what is being sent to them through all this social media we are on daily.

        Technology ties into the bigger picture of climate change, the outdoors, and mental illness. Technology is the reason for much of climate change, why people aren't going outside, and both of those things are creating the mental illness in the child, in the teenager, in the adult, and in the elders. It is a very big issue all over the world. Without technology, yes we may not have everything we have today, but we would be a much happier society.

        In the future, if humanity continues on the path of being parasites to the earth, mental illnesses will be such a prominent thing. They will most likely be more common than the common cold we get sick with 9-10 times a year. You will look around and see a depressed, anxious, moody, manic, and melancholy society and no one will have any idea of how to get rid of these mental problems. Yes, scientists will have more of an idea of whats causing these disorders, but by not being able to go outside due to the toxic atmosphere and not being able to talk to anyone because that person will most likely be dealing with something of their own and not want to deal with your problems. It will increase suicide rates by so much than they already are. Everyone will be in chaos. No one would be able to find happiness.

        By creating the awareness now, stopping climate change the best we can, and decrease the use of technology on the daily, we might just have a much less problem with the rising in mental illnesses. So please, create the awareness of mental illness. Educate your friends, family, and even strangers. Make it the social norm to go outside daily and enjoy yourself. Learn to love yourself.

        If you would like to contact me about this, my Twitter is @jc_vangogh and my non-personal instagram (i would give you my personal to message me on) if you like to message me further, if you don't have twitter is @pvleheart

Thank you for reading.

This blogpost was by Jenay.

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2 Comment(s)

Kendra Williams
Apr 3, 2017

I totally agree with your statement! Technology is great and provides each and every one of us with connections to others, however it also restricts face-to-face contact and also isolates us from the outside world. My Natural Science class choose to give up our cell phones for 24 hours about a month ago, and it was a great experiment to see how we all reacted to being without that device. It was a strange feeling but in the end, I found myself being more interactive because I couldn't hide away into my cell phone. If mental illness is connected to technology, people just need to simply disconnect more often and go outside and find connection to nature, its a very simple idea with many positive results. :)

BreYawna Harris
Mar 27, 2017

I really enjoyed the way you went in depth on how modern technology extremely effects mental illness. I have recently watched a video by David Suzuki and he points out that part of the reason that many humans are unhappy and living with mental illnesses is because we have lost our connection to nature. We are animals by definition and like other animals, we need to reconnect with nature and stop being so dependent on technology. Your post also ties into my research on the benefits of rooftop gardens/ farms. If we added a rooftop garden/ farm to every rooftop in a city, the mental benefits would be spectacular. Studies have shown that being in nature helps to combat depression and other mental illnesses. Having multiple havens on rooftops added to the multiple parks a city has will really prove to be beneficial to our state of minds. Your post really presents the difficulty of having stable a mind while surrounded by and being so dependent on technology, I hope that maybe my suggestion could help with this issue in cities across Canada and eventually the world.

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