Inquiry Findings

Culture   Mar 26, 2017 by Liam Gale

After listening to a first hand presentation from a fisherman, there are many connections I can make between climate change and the recent weather patterns in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL). One of these patterns is the change in wind. Mr. Walsh, the fisherman, explained to us how the wind speeds have been increasing due to climate change. If you were in NL on Saturday March 11th, especially on the Avalon Peninsula, you my have experienced firsthand, these increased winds. As of the 11th, they were the highest wind speeds that we've experienced in 40 years. Causing blackouts and wreaking havoc, this wind storm was detrimental to many businesses and homes across the island. This truly can affect the culture of NL because among the businesses impacted was Lester's Farm, a local sixth generation family run farm that produces fresh products like milk, eggs, poultry and vegetables. In the storm, the farm lost their greenhouses which store their plants and produce through the winter months. Other areas affected included the harbour, where ships were tossed around like toys. Based on the facts that we've researched, and those that Mr. Walsh shared with us, climate change will affect our Island's culture for the worst and if these unusually timed weather patterns keep up, NL could be irrevocably damaged.    

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5 Comment(s)

 Wow the information that you shared is so astonishing! I never consider about how winds are going to be affected by climate change. However, we can also find ways to adapt this changing environment. Why don't we use this wind power and make it become renewable energy source? I think that could be a great idea.

Kendra Williams
Apr 12, 2017

I like your inquiry and I think it is very interesting and resourceful that you were able to speak with a fisherman about their opinion on the affects climate change in your community and how it is affecting their livelihood. It is crazy to think that something so simple, like high wind conditions, can influence the well being of a community and their businesses.

Ryan M.
Apr 12, 2017

I find that very interesting and i know that here in Calgary when we have extremely hot days 25+ we have massive wind gusts in the evening from the cold air rushing in because of all the hot pavement and all of the cold air wants to be where the hot air is. I definitely think civilization has a huge impact on the environment and in more ways then one.

-Ryan M.

Apr 2, 2017

It is funny to think that climate change would bring upon issues such as an increase wind! Lots of people only think that the weather gets warmer and the ocean rises. Which I'm sure would be a even bigger threat to your province. 

Is anything being done to calm down the winds? 

Mar 27, 2017

It is interesting that a fisherman came to your class to give a presentation. That is pretty cool. Did he say anything about how one can be better prepared for the wind storms?

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