Update on our project!

Environment   Apr 3, 2017 by Dawson

Update: our group has successfully planned our action plan! We have contacted the school board in order to gain permission for our very own bee garden at school that our group will be planting and maintaining. We are also in the process of creating a lunch hour group to help maintain and plant the garden, and thankfully, we've also received local funding and donations to help kick start our action plan :) Keesha will be posting our slide presentation shortly for anyone who is interested in our topic. 

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2 Comment(s)

Apr 5, 2017

Wow! That is such amazing news!

Where did you get local funding and donations from? 

Do share with us the details and I look forward to seeing your slide presentation soon as I am interested in your topic!

Apr 4, 2017

YAY looks good bois and gurls

Apr 4, 2017


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