Welcome to the Virtual Classroom for Climate Action 150!

Feb 8, 2017 at 3:41 PM by Jamila

Hello students,

You are welcome to the Virtual Classroom for Climate Action 150!

We are excited that you are here participating in this enriching project that fosters collaboration, exchange of ideas and enables students to share and showcase their work. Climate Action 150, a Student Inquiry and Dialogue on Climate Change, is a national program. Over 25 teachers and their students are participating in this initiative.

  • Please post your profile:
    • Post your profile: Name, school, location with course/class participating in the project;
    • Share your expectations: Mention some of your learning outcomes that you would like to share with other students.
  • All blogs and other relevant resources for the inquiry will be added here.
  • This is your discussion forum where you can share ideas, interact with your peers and more.
  • We will announce information about special events you want to participate in e.g. Virtual Seminars and Writer's Weekend.