SPARK ideas?

Feb 16, 2017 at 4:52 PM by Jessica Karafilov

Hello teachers, 

I hope you are all getting very excited about this project!

I just thought I would throw a line out there to ask if you've already thought of SPARK ideas for your classroom? 

It'd be great if we could share them and possibly inspire other teachers in their preparations?

Thanks! We will be in touch very soon,

Jessica (Bilingual Program Assistant @ GL)


Bonjour à tous!

J'espère que vous avez très hâte de commencer ce projet! (Moi, oui en tout cas!)

J'aimerais juste demander si vous aviez déjà pensé à une idée d'ÉTINCELLE pour votre classe?

Ça serait superbe si on pouvait les partager ici, pour peut-être inspirer les autres profs dans leurs préparations?

Merci et à très bientôt!

Jessica (Assistante de programme bilingue @ GL)

2 Replies

Feb 24, 2017 at 1:52 PM

I think spark ideas are great! Looking forward to seeing what the classrooms are working on! 

Andrew Edgar
Mar 7, 2017 at 12:52 PM

So It has been a couple of weeks now but the spark I used this year was the Documentary Chasing Ice by Jame Balog.  He highlights Glaciers as being the canary in the coal mine for climate change.  It is a very clear story about glacial melting(recessions and deflation) over the space of a year to two years. I think the documentary was produced around 2011,.  

Jessica Karafilov
Mar 7, 2017 at 1:32 PM

Hi Andrew,

That's great- thanks so much for sharing that! I'm not familiar with that particular documentary, but I'll take a look at it this afternoon.

Yes, you're right: at this point, the sparks should have been presented and the students should now be working on their Inquiries!

