How does climate change affect apple production?

Environment   Apr 11, 2016 by Katie, Hillary, Melanie, Victoria

Facts about apple production

•Apple trees require cool and consistent winter weather to grow

•If the temperature drops too drastically too fast water doesn't have time to drop down to the roots, and then you get freezing of the buds, or the tissue, drastically damaging the amount of apples produced.

•In 2015 half of Ontario’s apple crop was destroyed to a sudden freeze

•Earlier springs start the tree growth, leaving them open to frost. The trees and apples that survive this frost end up spotted or misshapened, making them harder to sell.

How does this affect us in Athens?

•With the cost of fruit increasing across Ontario, families will have to spend more money on food, or will have to turn to unhealthier alternatives.

•Apple farmers in and around Athens will be affected by winters that are not ideal for apple tree growth. The amount of apples grown will be greatly damaged.

•With Climate Change damaging the quality of apples, the fresh apples we see today in local stores may become misshaped and spotted in the future...not to mention less delicious.

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