How climate change will affect agriculture

Environment   Apr 19, 2016 by Cropaars

One of the biggest concerns is that climate change could have significant negative impacts including the increased of droughts and violent storms. If droughts increase under climate change, crop yields would decrease. This would also increase the vulnerability of producers to climate change, particularly in semi-arid regions of Canada. (Semi-arid meaning big open areas) Warmer summers caused by climate change would cause problems for livestock producers related to heat-wave deaths. Other impacts could be reduced milk production and reduced reproduction in the dairy industry, as well as, reduced weight gain in beef cattle. Droughts and floods could also reduce grassland availability and the production of weeds, forcing producers to find other feed sources or to reduce their herd size. Climate change could also have affects on crop pests and disease, which would include increased weed growth due to higher levels of CO2 and an increased currency of pests and pathogens in livestock and crops. Frequent insect and disease infestations are also potential impacts.  

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1 Comment(s)

Apr 27, 2016

I liked what you said about how climate change affect our agriculture. Have you thought about what things can we do for the agriculture to be less affected? How will it affect the production in dairy industry?

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