Bird Behaviors Changing for the Worst

Environment   Apr 20, 2016 by Lachlan Gallagher

Birds have behaviors and routines just like us, human beings. We get up, have breakfast, brush our teeth, got to work/school, etc. Birds have similar routines whether it be to retrieve food for their young or work on constructing a nest. The birds' routines also change with different seasons, and climate change is affecting that change in routine by altering temperatures and seasonal conditions. A large-scale study showed that birds are laying eggs up at an average rate of 6.6 days earlier per decade and 27 Canadian species have significantly altered their migration dates; some birds in EU are failing to migrate all together. Actions are already being preformed to help birds around the world with climate change by creating bird shelters/sanctuary's. You can help by donating to various organizations to help support these birds in need like Audubon. You can even help by installing a bird house in your backyard to house birds. Ask your local leaders what they are doing to protect wildlife in the face of climate change. Help save birds today, from the clutches of climate change.

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