How Climate Change is Affecting Agriculture and Farming

Environment   Apr 20, 2016 by Nana Salha

Problem: Farmers depend on the environment more than anything to raise their animals and grow crops. With climate change happening, the weather has been changing a lot. This is affecting the agriculture industry and the only way to solve this is to find ways to slow down climate change.

Climate change has gotten worse over the years and it’s affecting many many industries. The agriculture industry is one of the industries that’s being affected by it greatly and are working to stay ahead of the unexpected weather and even found ways to adapt; as we struggle more and more with climate change, they do too. The issue of climate change affects the agriculture industry more than any other due to the fact that farmers depend on weather and environment more than anything and the weather keeps changing BECAUSE of climate change.

Climate change is causing extreme rainfall, drought, heat and cold. Research has shown that the growing season is getting longer and warmer over most areas of agricultural and this causes many problems. Water availability may decrease soon and will be a major limiting factor to future crop production, warmer temperatures even though they may benefit a few crops they can cause many different diseases and heat stress to cattle. The impacts of this on livestock are even worse. Basically under all this new heat stress, cattle, beef cattle, dairy cows and even chicken and pigs will be less productive. An expert in weather has said that the more extreme weather we get due to climate change may even threaten people’s access to food over the long term. All these problems need to be solved and farmers most definitely want this problem dealt with.

Solution: Everyone needs to understand how wildly climate change is affecting things and even people themselves. However, having a campaign about climate change may not even help anything because no matter what you tell and even show people, they decide to believe what THEY WANT to believe; half the time it’s not the truth. I’m glad to know that the Government of Ontario is already doing a few things themselves to slow down climate change like being committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. That’s something great. Nonetheless, more needs to be done. Why not try changing all LTC buses to run not on gas but electricity? or even start adding bike posts like they have in places like Montreal? Ride your bikes instead of driving your cars.  Reduce your carbon footprint. I know people are already working on trying to reduce our carbon footprint but we need to try harder. This is our world, everything we do affects us. Stop littering! A lot of people litter not stopping to think of the consequences; be the better person and pick up garbage you see on the floor and put it in it's rightful place whether it's the recycle bin, garbage bin etc. 

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