Affect on Birds Caused by Climate Change

Environment   Apr 21, 2016 by layan

Climate change has had a huge affect on the bird life, affecting their migration, habitats, diet and even the air they breath. scientists have found that bird extinction rates could be as high as 38% in Europe and 72% in north-eastern Australia of global warming exceeds 2 degrees. the amount of carbon going into the air is rapidly increasing and it causing the birds to slowly suffocate and die . Also, the amount of trees and Ecosystems we are destroying has a huge affect on the birds because we are taking away their habitat. Birds are mostly affected by the change in weather constantly, they never know when to migrate back or if its going to get cold again. birds only migrate 1\10th of the speed required to keep up with human-induced climate change. All these problems greatly affect birds and now scientists have proven that found a 90% decline is some bird populations. it's a big problem that no one is acknowledging

There are many ways to stop climate change, however the way i would like to discuss would be habitat restoration and protection. as forests shrink, particularly in the northern Europe. creating laws where human activities do not endanger them, that will maximize their habitats. restoring the agricultural fields back to their main states in the wetlands. Also, we could construct artificial nesting sites, it may lead to higher reproductive output. 

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