Blog 1- Inquiry Question

Environment   Apr 25, 2016 by Grace Duncanson

While suggesting things we could do to slow and prevent climate change, my group decided that eating local produce was the way to go. It's simple, easy, and it supports local businesses and farmers. We all agreed that emailing or speaking to our cafeteria and asking them to switch their supplies to businesses closer to home. When we told our teacher about our ideas, he told us that there were more things keeping us from fresh produce  than we'd considered.

 Humans are one of, if not the most significant causes of climate change. We build factories, drive cars that pollute our environment, and destroy the Earth for our own selfish personal benefits. As they say, people seem to 'follow the money.' We can see that what we're doing is harmful, but we're not willing to stop. 

   We were told that our Cafeteria Chain has alliances and contracts with companies far away from home that they have no choice to honor. 

  My group wants to learn about how we can help break down the barriers to local produce.

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