What do other cities in the world do to recycle textiles?

Environment   Apr 26, 2016 by Jezeryll

In our opinion, it is very important to take notice of the clothing that has been threw away into landfills. It releases methane that contributes greenhouse gas and global warming. The chemicals that has been put into the clothes contaminate both land and water

One of the cities in the world that recycle textiles is New York City. People from New York throw away almost 1.4 billion pounds of usable and recycle textiles such as clothing, footwear, hats, handbags, towels and sheets.

GrowNYC is an organization that helps improve and to secure a clean environment for future generations. They handle a lot of programs. One of their programs is about  recycling textiles. After the textiles are collected by Wearable Collections, they are being sorted into usable or non-usable clothing. Reusable clothing are being sold.

 People should be encouraged and participate in recycling clothing. By recycling clothes, we reduce the production of greenhouse gases, chemicals that can affect our health and landfill space that dumped clothing takes up. We can also save tons of water. Recycling textiles can do a lot of good things to our environment

P2 Chelsea and Jezeryll


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