What do other cities in the world do to recycle textiles? by dezhalyn and micaela

Apr 27, 2016 by Dezhalyn Cabalse

It is very important to pay attention on our clothing that has been thrown away into landfills. When clothing and textiles decompose, they release methane, a harmful greenhouse gas and major contributor to climate change. 

New York City is one of the cities that recycle textiles. They collect textiles at GrowNYC, and sort into cotton scrap, cotton blend scrap, etc.  They have many programs that helps our environment clean. One of their program is GrowNYC. In this program, they are collectiong clothes and textiles that are being dropped every week for recycling at 17 greenmarkets around the city. 

We should do our part in recycling clothing and textiles to save tons of waste materials end up in landfills. 

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