Forests in South Western Ontario

Environment   May 1, 2016 by karly ready

Due to higher carbon dioxide emissions, there is an increase in forest fires in Ontario which harms the vegetation and wildlife. Climate change affects the composition and growth of species in the forests, forest growth rates, and temperature. It also affects the availability of soil moisture and temperatures (which is where photosynthesis and respiration take place). If a burned forest is able to regrow, the new trees eventually soak up the carbon dioxide released by the fire. But this may take a century or more, because young trees do not absorb as much carbon dioxide as larger more mature trees. Summers are expected to be hotter and drier, resulting in more forest fires. The appearance of forest fire are increasing because of climate change, thus destroying trees, animal habitats and producing more greenhouse gases. It is quite obvious that climate change is majorly affecting not only the forests, but the rest of the environment too as well as infrastructure. So what can we do to help reverse climate change? As a citizen of London I have noticed that there aren't a lot of sidewalks in some parts of the town. If people wanted to walk or bike they don't really have the chance to do so because of the lack of sidewalks. As a near future project I think we should invest in putting in more sidewalks around town, especially near places that have a lot of stores, like the Westwood Powercentre. By doing this it will make people more able to get to places safely and more conveniently, without using cars. Another idea is making buses more convenient. By making ticket prices lower, as well making more routes and making certain routes run later, and at more peak times. This will encourage people to use the bus more. Also I think we should fast track the idea of the hybrid electric buses, that was being considered for London. I have seen CTV cover this idea and I think this will definitely be more convenient resulting in more people using the bus instead of driving, overall reducing our contribution of greenhouse gases.

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