Our Inquiry Project

Health   Mar 15, 2017 by Brynne

Our question is How does Climate Change affect well being. We can about this question by coming up with specific questions, that eventually led us to our general topic of public health. Our question is important because it causes people to think about how climate change affects humans and those around us, instead of only the environment. 

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5 Comment(s)

Mar 26, 2017

Hello Brynne, I found your inquiry very intriguing because you're absolutely right. Many topics on climate change today are all about the effects on the environment, there is rarely any controversy on what climate change is doing directly to the human beings. I believe you should continue writing about this topic because people need to be informed on what Climate Change is doing to humans also. This topic is rarely talked about and will spark lots of controversy and action. This will cause people to take Climate Change more seriously because many people don't care about this problem due to its indirect effect on our health and lives, but if the people were to understand how this is hurting us, they would be more influenced to help the change. Our inquiries show minimal similarity because you share the knowledge of climate change affecting human health and mine is about how the use of transportation and Infrastructure influences climates change. Here is a link I've found that will help you build your topic and share your knowledge.


Mar 24, 2017

Hi Brynne,

I find your inquiry very interesting. I like how you connect climate change to mental health and our well being. I believe that this question can build discussion because climate change affects all humans. People care more when something is related to them. I suggest you to follow this link which will further your understanding on this concept. It will help you think about the issue even deeper.


Our inquiries don’t have anything in common but I do agree with yours. Your inquiry mostly focuses on humans and health and mine relates more to transportation. We both want to help the environment.

You have an interesting point of view about your topic and an excellent question to back it up.

Mar 21, 2017

When I thought about your question, the first thing that came to my mind is food. Climate change affects access to food, the quality of food and its availability which in turn affects our health. We cannot be healthy if we cannot eat good food or if we have to eat food that has been altered (GMO) and as a matter of fact this is the reason many are sickly. This has given rise to to many new lifestyle choices such as veganism and eating local or organic foods. Even these new lifestyles can be pretty expensive too... so what is the solution? 

Jessica Karafilov
Mar 20, 2017

Hi Brynne,

That's a great start! I'm wondering if you're aiming to study the impacts of climate change on public health at a general level? Or are you focusing your research on a specific area of public health? 

Here are a couple of resources to complement the research you've done so far: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/climat/impact/inde...


Keep up the great work!

Jessica (program assistant @ GreenLearning)

Mar 17, 2017

That's interesting view point and question. What did you find for the answer?

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