Public Health and Climate Change

Health   Apr 9, 2017 by Reggie

Our group decided to research the relationship of climate change and public health. Here are some notes about each question we answered:

We used mostly the internet for information. However, we did get some more information from an expert in our community.

1) What are The Effects of Air Pollution on Health?

  • Worsening air quality can make it difficult to breathe.

2) How does the change in weather, due to climate change, affect mental health?

  • You may not be able to enjoy the outdoors with friends/family because of the severe weather

3) What are the effects on the elderly?

  • With temperatures of the rise, elderly people may not be able to be outside for long periods of time because their bodies cannot regulate temperature as efficient as a young person.

4) How Is The Spread of Viruses Affected By Climate Change?

  • If a pregnant woman is bitten by an infected mosquito, the infection can cross the placenta infecting the fetus.
  • Lyme disease can affect any organ of the body, including the brain and nervous system, muscles and joints, and the heart.

5) How is overpopulation in animals just as bad as extinction?

  • You need to have a nice balance with the population of animals. Overpopulation and extinction both have negative effects.
  • With overpopulation, there will be a shortage of food because there are too many animals, and not enough food to support them.
  • However, with extinction, the animals no longer exists. This can be bad because some animals live off of others. If one specific animal is gone, another one may not be able to eat.

6) How does climate change affect the mindset of future generations?

  • Climate change can be a drastic thought, and our generation may live with the consequences of it.
  • Stress levels can increase because of the worsening of the weather, and increasing pollution.
  • They may want to do more to lessen the effects of climate change because of what they’re seeing to their world.

We reached the conclusion that the well being of humans and animals are affected by climate change in some way everyday. We will need to slow climate change down if we want the future generation to thrive. 

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1 Comment(s)

Cassie Thorpe
May 2, 2017

I think that this is a really cool topic to look at.  I don't think that most people realize the great effect climate change has on us.  I like how you are looking at so many different ways that climate change is effecting us to expand your knowledge of the topic.

Have you stared looking at any solutions to the issues you have found? 

--> What is the biggest cause of air pollution? --> Would car pooling help? --> More efficient cars?       --> What is the cause of the kinds of materials we use to get our energy? --> How can we look at other ways to increase our mental health? --> How are the elderly different than the rest of our population? Are there specific issues that target them? --> How can issues such as mosquitos be monitored to ensure the spread to diseases they carry in kept to a minimum? --> What are the effects of overpopulation and extinction on our health?

I found this website that talks about some of the major health issues affect people that are coming along with climate change.

I think that it is great you are looking into our future and what is to come next but how can we target the issue at its source.  There is so much information around this topic as well as so many actions that could be taken.  I look forward to seeing where you go with this topic!

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