Inquiry Question Blog #1

Health   Mar 21, 2017 by Jennifer Nguyen


How will the climate change in Toronto affect/alter the health of Torontonians?

The process I went through to come to this question is thinking about the different areas of the world. Many places have a more severe climate change than Toronto, which means the health in those specific places must have declined substantially. For example, Mumbai, India, had to face high devastating floods, that not only disrupted/destroyed many homes, but killed many people. Climate change is not only about just getting sick, but our very own existence as well. This is a great question because many people believe that living in Toronto, Ontario is a very fortunate place. Although that is true, that doesn’t mean Torontonians aren’t affected by climate change. People seem to misunderstand that fact because everything is so modern. The citizens don’t worry about tornados, floods (not many floods) and/or droughts which makes them ignorant to the reality of what is happening. This question will make those think, even though living in a developed country and the GTA more in depth of how climate change can affect our health. 

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3 Comment(s)

Mar 24, 2017

As of right now, climate change in Toronto is not at a point yet to cause any severe or noticeable effects to our health. Maybe if we were living in Mumbai India, then we would be more environmentally aware due to the disasters that occur there quite often. Yes, there is definitely a change in the weather that is occurring as a result of global warming in our area, but the change is not drastic enough to catch the attention of enough people. Although these effects aren't as noticeable, people should be paying attention to these effects because it's likely that they will become more noticeable and it will affect more people in a negative way. Although the effects aren't noticeable right now, eventually it is more than likely that Torontonians will begin to feel the effect more as time goes by. For example, climate change brings tropical weather to higher latitudes bringing tropical diseases with them. As the weather changes, it allows various bacteria and diseases to survive in places they weren't able to in the past. Now, many diseases that we didn't have to face in the past will have to be faced by Torontonians. A good website to inquire more on how climate change will affect our health in the future is (


Jessica Karafilov
Mar 22, 2017

Hi Jennifer!

Great topic! I'm wondering if you're going to specifically study the impact of extreme weather events on the health of Torontonians? Or are you planning to keep it general to study the impact of climate change on the health of Torontonians?

Keep up the great work!

Jessica (program assistant @ GreenLearning)

Mar 21, 2017

Nice post!

Even the GTA is not immune to the health effects of climate change. I often think about simple things such as the flu and how the changes in weather (one day its freezing cold with snow and the next day its warm outside) alone can cause outbreaks of the virus. Personally, I have had to double up on my vitamins anytime the temperatures fluctuate just to make sure I don't get sick and I am sure that I am not the only one.

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