Birds in climate change ( Blog post 1)

Environment   Mar 22, 2017 by Shania

Question: How might climate change affect migratory birds in Toronto and in turn, impact Torontonians?

Response: First, I looked at the google climate change links under “Plants, Animals and Habitat” and I chose birds to research because I thought it was interesting. I chose migratory birds specifically because these birds apparently depend on climate signals for nesting, feeding, and migrating. Although we may not find these birds important in our daily lives, it is a fact that birds are an important source to the recreation industry, including bird watching and photography to name a few. People depend on birds although they may not even know it.

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1 Comment(s)

Jessica Karafilov
Mar 23, 2017

Hey Shania!

Take a look here:

And I'm guessing that you're aware that your classmate Najwa is also investigating the impacts of climate change on birds. Maybe you guys can get together and share ideas.. two heads are better than one!

I'll be watching out for what you come up with!

Jessica (program assistant @ GreenLearning)

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