Inquiry Question: Blog #1

Health   Mar 22, 2017 by Stuart Moffat


When will Toronto's citizens realize the change in Toronto’s climate and the potential health problems that it could create? And how might they react to this discovery?

In class I have been researching the potential health impacts of climate change on Toronto’s citizens if Toronto does not reduce its GHG emissions. To reach this question I researched all of the potential health problems related to climate change that could affect Toronto. While doing my research into this topic I answered questions like Who is trying to solve this issue?, What are some possible solutions?, and Why is this a concern? I realized that many of the problems could have huge impacts on the lives of all Torontonians no matter what social class they belong to. Many of the issues can be directly related back to increasing temperature as a result of excess GHG emissions. I began to narrow my focus on the new insects that are moving further north into Toronto and surrounding areas, bringing with them many infectious diseases that Toronto does not have the infrastructure to appropriately handle. Once i discovered this I knew that this was an extremely important question. This is a great question because it summarizes all aspects of climate change, while keeping focus on the health impacts that Torontonians will face because of climate change. I feel like this is important because the number one concern for most people is their health and the health of the people that they care for. Once Torontonians realize the health impacts of climate change many people will join the climate change movement and help push Toronto into a clean, renewable future that is safe for many generations to come.

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3 Comment(s)

Mar 26, 2017

In response to your first question, awareness is key for all Torontonians because not a lot of people are aware of the dangers of climate change and that is why climate education projects such as Climate Action 150 is so important.

Jessica Karafilov
Mar 22, 2017

Hey Stuart,

Your question got me thinking about Toronto's progress towards its target GHG levels for 2020.

I'll just drop this right here:

I'll be looking out for what you come up with.


Jessica (program assistant @ GreenLearning)

Mar 22, 2017

That's a lot of very great work you are starting it's good to see that you are finding some focus. I think looking at the effect on bees could really boost your research too. Bees are such an important part of our ecosystem and without them our modern agriculture couldn't exist. With a little more focus on bees I think we can really make a difference for all of Canada's ecosystems. I hope you can take some ideas from other posts on here and really boost your work for ecosystems. It's great to see someone trying to make a difference. 

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