Inquiry Question; Blog #1

Environment   Mar 22, 2017 by Jamel Abdally

Topic - Transportation (Infrastructure) ; Climate Change in Toronto

Inquiry Question #1 : How might the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) manage to fulfill the long desired request by Torontonians to lower price of fares while upgrading its quality of service and moving to more expensive, eco-friendly energy sources? Where might these necessary funds come from?


There are many reasons behind how this question was derived. First and foremost, the most concerning issue regarding Torontonians and the TTC is the price of fares being imposed on the public. Torontonians are pleading their case in which they find the TTC too expensive for the average person to afford yearly. Though the TTC has made strides to offer their services free to youth under the age of 12, it seems it isn't enough. In order to attract more Torontonians to use their services, the TTC must lower their fares. In order to lower fares, funding has to be drawn from other sources top make up for potential revenue loss in fares. On top of that, to stay sustainable and battle climate change, the TTC is responsible for moving to more eco-friendly energy sources; a costly change compared to the fossil fuels currently used run vehicles. Being two major concerns for the TTC at the moment, when placed together they instill thoughts and ideas within Torontonians as both questions relate to their daily lives. This “how might” format question is likely to develop deeper thinking, complexity and curiosity. On top of that, a creative plan must be made to determine how to invest in both cheaper fares for the public as well as eco-friendly practices in today's’ capitalistic society. These factors contribute to making this question a great question to dwell and build discussion on.  

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1 Comment(s)

Jessica Karafilov
Mar 23, 2017

Hey Jamel,

Great question and I have no idea what the answer to that is!

I'll be keeping an eye out for what you come up with!

In the meantime, these guys might be able to *steer you on the right path* (haha!):


Jessica (program assistant @ GreenLearning)

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