We are trying to reduce pollution by finding better alternative for CD's.

Technology   Apr 10, 2017 by TreAndErik

Inquiry question: We are trying to decrease wastes and pollution. So is it better for the environment, buying CDs or downloading?

The problem with DVDs and CDs they create more pollution. A study in conducted 2009 found that choosing digital distribution over traditional CD/DVD distribution could result in a 91% reduction in carbon emissions. When you think about manufacture the plastics, the factories necessary for production and the vehicles used to transport the final product, the end result is a carbon output higher than that of downloaded games.

What they're made of: The cases for DVDs/CDs are made of soft, clear or colored polypropylene plastic with a transparent polyethylene outer jacket, usually with a printed paper sleeve behind it.

CDs have a thin layer of aluminum or silver coating. Additionally, they are coated with a protective, clear acrylic coating. This makes hard to break down discs can take up to 200-400 years to break down.

The one problem with buying games online is you could be hacked also people who play games don't have internet or not have enough space to download it, with DVDs/CDs you can delete the data off your computer but still have the content on the CDs.

Download still is not the best because where the servers are stored it gives off pollution because of the servers that need to be cooled. Another problem with buying games online is you could be hacked and lose money. Some people who play games don't have internet or not have enough space to download it, with DVDs/CDs you can delete the data off your computer but still have the content.

When someone is deciding to either buy a disk or digital it is mainly about preference. If you are the person who wants the thing the day it comes out, then you will probably buy it online. There is also something call pre-ordering, it is when someone buys something before it comes out and then they get to play it right when it comes out. But if you are buying after the game is out for a bit you can sometimes buy the game from someone or used and it will be a lot cheaper.






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