How energy plan helps to reduce CO2 emission

Environment   Apr 10, 2017 by MurphyZ

We chose to inquire into “how energy plan will help to reduce CO2 emission”. Overproduced CO2 is the leading cause of global warming, and our valley area is already seeing the effects. We found individual houses contribute to Co2 more than we thought. If an individual can reduce the emission from their own homes, we can make a real difference.

We began by researching local solutions around the world. Firstly, we separated our jobs and each one of us studies one community of the world to see what their solutions are, and then we discussed the information gained during class time to plan a blue print of our energy plan. We also gained suggestions from the visitors to our class. Instead of making a huge energy plan to the industries and even the government, we found out that accommodation consume the most energy and we decided to make an individual energy plan to reduce consumption from the base. Before spring break, our group contacted Kate Miller who is the manager of Cowichan Environmental Services Division, and she gave a presentation to us in the Monday’s class. We got lots of useful statistics and graphs from her organization’s report and website. She also gave us some information from NASA and other resources which were crucial for us to make the video more informative. Sometimes, our group members change thoughts gained from reading in our WeChat group (like the Facebook group). When guest speakers came, we took notes and shared with our team members who missed the class on that day. The online chatting group was an efficient tool for us, as it enabled us to supervise each other to finish the researching and reading task assigned to every member.

We think we can make a difference by introducing ideas to people about alternate energy sources that are available. We hope to encourage the sufficient house building and let people realize the government assistance that may be available. There is still more research and video making waiting ahead and we all need to work together to stop global warming and make Cowichan valley a leader in solving the problem. Our video should be completed at the beginning of April. Each member of our group will, again, has her own responsibility in the process of making the video.

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