Blog #1 Ben, Joey, and Kaleb

Apr 4, 2016 by Ben Wells

For our inquiry project we focused on pollution and climate change. Specifically in Prince Edward County. So, our question was, how does climate change affect pollution levels in Prince Edward County.

Once we figured out our question we had to find the research. First, we started with a broad topic. What is climate change. Next, we focused in on pollution levels in Prince Edward County. We found a lot of information on this. Third, we narrowed it down to how does climate change affect pollution levels in PEC. This information was a little harder to find, but we still found it. Finally, we contacted an expert on pollution levels in the quite region. He gave us some useful information about the topic. This was our process in finding information for our question.

My group and I personally think this question is great. We think this because it shows people that climate change isn't just affecting us, but it's also affecting the wildlife in the water as well.

Ben Wells

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3 Comment(s)

Claire Paquette
Apr 6, 2016

This is a geat question, I think that it's cool how you're focasing directly on your county! I really enjoyed reading about your topic and it's awesome how you narrowed all of the information you found. 

Danielle Balvert
Apr 5, 2016

What type of pollution specifically affects Picton?

Stephen MacKinnon
Apr 5, 2016


How did your group define "pollution"? Did you mainly look at water pollution? or air pollution? other kinds of pollution?

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