Blog #2 Joey, Ben, Kaleb

Apr 4, 2016 by Joey Monroe

Our group was responsible for the amount of pollution and how it effects us in Prince Edward County. We compiled our information from pollution based websites in Ontario. We learnt how pollution effects us, ways to decrease pollution levels, and how climate change effects the pollution levels as well. Many health problems have also occurred from pollution like : lung cancer, heart disease, damaging our immune system, brain and nerve damage, etc.  Ways to decreasing pollution levels in the water and air are: less littering, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, walking or riding a bike, washing clothes in cold water instead of hot water, turning off any electrical appliances when not in use, carpooling, public transportation and don't dispose of any chemicals, or oils in the waterways. Air and water are effected by emissions that contain toxic elements which create acid rain. Acid rain does have harmful effects on aquatic animals, plants, and infrastructure change. The increase in climate temperature could affect the water temperature which could make it possible for the growth of bacteria and algae. The temperature increase due to climate change is causing birds to migrate earlier, which when they return it leaves then with no food.

Joey M.

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1 Comment(s)

Stephen MacKinnon
Apr 6, 2016

The acid rain situation in Ontario is interesting case. Starting in the 1980s we worked on reducing the SO2 in the atmosphere and we made major improvements. Many people thought we had solved the problem of acid rain. The example of acid rain has been held up as proof that we can solve the climate change problem too. What do you think?

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