Inquiry Project blog #1 Sydney, Kendra, Jessie

Health   Apr 4, 2016 by Sydney Babutac

For our inquiry project we are focusing on health related affects from climate change, specifically Lyme disease. The steps we took in the process to reach our question was to think of all of the subtitles that we would use in our presentation, all of the questions that we could answer. We narrowed our topic down to help us to visualize how we would create our final presentation. This is a great question because of the different possible way to answer it, we chose to narrow it down to Lyme disease, but there are so many different health affects we could have chosen. Another reason is that we can put all of our focus on one thing giving us a better understanding on that particular health affect instead of have just an idea of all these other topics.

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1 Comment(s)

Stephen MacKinnon
Apr 6, 2016

This topic is interesting. On Monday I had a conversation with a backwoods kind of man about maple syrup and hunting. He described in details how much worse the ticks were last year and the medical emergency he went through with a tick bite. I said "Climate change?" and he said "Yup".

Of all the climate change topics this one may be the most immediate health risk to humans. Where you able to get data on the increase in ticks and lyme disease?

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