Blog #2-Will, Ian, and Braedon

Apr 4, 2016 by Braedon Sharpe

For our inquiry project we contacted a local professional.  Our local expert Terry Sprague was kind enough to provide us with plenty of information about the effects of climate change on deer, bats, birds, snakes and lots more.  We discovered that climate change is effecting so many different species in our local area alone.  For example birds are arriving back from migrating because warmer temperatures, but when they get back there are food shortages.  As well as bats and snakes come out of hibernation earlier and experience similar problems.  It also attracts other species such as the Emerald Ash Borer, Asian Longhorned beetle and the Sirex Woodwasp which is killing tons of trees and therefore affecting other species.  We concluded that climate change is a huge factor and that it is a great deal to try and reduce it now before its to late.  If it is effecting us this much in our local area than imagine how much worse it can be in other places.

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1 Comment(s)

Stephen MacKinnon
Apr 7, 2016

Sounds like an alien invasion. Did you find out anything that we can to deal with any of these problems in the short term?

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