Carbon Dioxide and the Atmosphere

Environment   Apr 5, 2016 by Keira Travis

How can we repair the damage the carbon dioxide emissions in our region have done to the atomosphere?

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3 Comment(s)

Keira Travis
Apr 7, 2016

We changed our question from "greenhouse gases" and "ozone layer" to "carbon dioxide" and "atmosphere" because that is what our research reflected more.

This is our research and the resources we used:


-top three for greenhouse gas emissions per capita

-the molecules in greenhouse gases attack and destroy the ozone layer

-Ontario second worst in greenhouse gas emissions (only Alberta is worse because of oil industry; almost 200 megatonnes in 1990, almost 225 megatonnes in 2005, just over 175 megatonnes in 2013)

-ozone layer protects from UV rays and creates heat

-greenhouse gases warm the atmosphere closer to us, cooling the upper atmosphere and destroying the ozone layer


-focus on reducing emissions from transportation (biggest contributor in Ontario)

-Belleville is a small city, so you should walk or ride your bike instead of drive or take the


-carpool instead of each driving individually

-don’t leave your car idling

-use less heat and air conditioning

-don’t keep the A/C or heat cranked unless absolutely necessary

-establish a cap and trade system to limit the amount of ghg

-use more wind, solar, and hydro power instead of using energy from the burning of fossil fuels

-Quinte is the one of the seven schools (both elementary and secondary) that has solar


-rely on the hydro power we can and do get from the Moira River instead of burning

fossil fuels for energy


-unplug things you are not using (cellphone chargers, laptops, etc.)

-use a power bar so you can just switch it on and off

-plant a tree

-encourage others to help

-buy products that are recyclable

-buy local food and ingredients

-prevents having to fly ingredients in from halfway across the world

-support local farmers (which we have a lot of)

Apr 5, 2016

Amazing question. It sounds like it will be very interesting and informative

Stephen MacKinnon
Apr 5, 2016


Are you thinking about repairing the damage to the ozone layer? or repairing the damage on the Earth's surface?

Keira Travis
Apr 8, 2016

We are thinking of repairing the damage to the ozone layer