How to fix it

Environment   Apr 8, 2016 by Nicole

Climate change is mainly caused by large amounts of heat-trapping carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere. We can reduce this amount by:

  • using less energy (turning off lights, better insulting homes to reduce heat and air conditioning, etc)
  • driving more fuel efficient vehicles
  • eating lower on the food chain (industrial meat productions produce a large amount of greenhouse gases)
  • using reusable water bottles rather than purchasing bottled water.

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Apr 11, 2016

More information

Using less energy: unplug you devises and appliances when you are not using them. Switch all your light bulbs and appliances to more energy saving ones. Do not use too many appliances at once.

Driving more fuel efficient vehicles: go all the way and buy an electric car, car pool instead, don't buy huge trucks or other big vehicles unless they are absolutely necessary.

Eating lower on the food chain: Remember to buy locally if you do this because you could even be causing more damage to the environment buy them having to ship in fruits and veggies from other places, so don't go vegetarian unless you are willing to go all the way.

using reusable water bottles rather than purchasing bottled water: the best would be a metal one instead of a plastic one. Also shipping in those big jugs of water to fill the water bottles is a little bit better but still not good for the environment. 

Apr 10, 2016

I strongly agree with what you are saying about how we can reduce the amount of gases, especially about how we can start driving more fuel efficient vehicles because CO2 is a big issue for climate change.

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