Agriculture Changing Our Climate

Environment   Apr 5, 2016 by Danielle Balvert

Our group originally came up with three initial inquiry questions. We briefly investigated each inquiry before weighing the pros and cons of each. After narrowing it down to two questions, we consulted our teacher and finally decided on our question.

How do greenhouse gases produced in the agricultural industry affect climate change and what can be done in Ontario to reduce these greenhouse gas emissions?

We will be focusing on the different greenhouse gases produced in the agricultural industry, focusing specifically on the greenhouse gases produced on cattle farms and the transportation aspect of the industry. Methane is the most prominent greenhouse gas produced in the agricultural industry. 

For the second aspect of our inquiry question, we will be focusing on a variety of solutions to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. Some of our initial solutions include:

  • Issuing grants to farmers for the start-up of biogas facilities.
  • Imposing a tax upon farmers. The money made from this will be used to implement biogas facilities province-wide.
  • Promoting more energy efficient equipment (eg. tractors that emit less greenhouse gases).
  • Educating farmers on solutions to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Reduce the overall consumption of meat products.

In the Belleville region, Donnandale farm is already using a biogas facility. We will be contacting them soon to ask them a wide variety of questions about the benefits and disadvantages about their biogas facility. Not only we will be using primary sources, we have gained a lot of research from websites like the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture. We have also used official reports on Canadian Biogas Study from the Biogas Association.

Overall, the negative aspects of the agricultural industry on climate change is often overlooked and ignored. As a result of our inquiry question focusing on this major issue, we wish to bring this problem to the forefront of the provincial governments priority list. 

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2 Comment(s)

This is very well done. I just have a few questions,

  • What exactly is a Biogas farm?
  • Why would you tax the farmers? If the government wants the biogas farm they should have to pay for it, no the farmer.
  • How is reducing the amount of meat consumption going to help?

Other than these questions the blog is excellent.

Keira Travis
Apr 7, 2016

So we know that agriculture has an effect on climate change, but did you find out if climate change is affecting the agriculture industry (ie. how much crops are being produced now as opposed to before, etc.)?