Climate Change Effecting Our Water

Environment   Apr 8, 2016 by Mackenzie Stone Water will be/ has been affected very negatively by climate change. Precipitation is uneven leading to unstable water resources, there is less water for renewable energy. Less precipitation has made it so fresh water cannot handle the pollution. With the temperature of the water becoming warmer some warm water species could move more North and ruin habitats. Water is changing so much that some of it isn't even visible. Things that are changing include: the water clarity, the pH level, the water level, the ice cover, and the surface water temperature. The great lakes hold 20% of the world's fresh water and is the biggest source. If climate change effects is to the point where we can’t get water to drink from it anymore millions of people will no longer be getting water.

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1 Comment(s)

Apr 11, 2016

This is great information! Where do you think the warm water species would move to? How much do you think they would ruin the habitats?

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