Blog Post # 2: How might more efficient vehicles affect the amount of greenhouse gases emitted?

Environment   Apr 8, 2016 by Snowy Wong

The transportation sector is one of the largest contributors of greenhouse gases which contribute to climate change. In 2013, transportation had contributed to around 27% of US greenhouse gas emissions, a significant number. Moreover, from 1990 to 2013, the emissions from this sector had increased more than any other sector. 

This may come as a surprise to some, but to others it may not. The total number of cars worldwide is alarming, 1.2 billion cars are in use. Cars are seen as a necessity of life, and in our society, many use it day to day, shying away from alternatives such as biking, taking public transportation or walking. 

Many effects of greenhouse gases are shown in our community. Temperatures are fluctuating, more extreme weather conditions will occur, heavier precipitation, and the climate conditions will change.

Research shows that there are actually many solutions to the greenhouse gas transportation problem. Examples of solutions include low-carbon fuels, new and improved vehicle technologies, ways to reduce the number of miles traveled and creating more efficient operating systems for vehicles.

Why isn't anyone taking the initiative to make efficient vehicles more mainstream and affordable? The technology that can increase fuel economy can also increase horsepower. Many consumers value horsepower over fuel efficiency, therefore the market leans more towards the power and size technology. Not many would rather pay for a expensive car upfront and wait for years to see a profit from the fuel savings.

So how might efficient vehicles affect the amount of greenhouse gases emitted? A lot, because they help to make the faster transition from petrol-based fuels to other non-renewable fuels, increase drive train efficiency, improve aerodynamics and reduce vehicle weight. Essentially, more efficient cars take away all the unneeded accessories of a car and make it more aerodynamically efficient, which means that they will be using a significantly less amount of gas.

What actions can we also take to reduce our carbon footprint?

  • Walk, bike, carpool or take public transit
  • Reduce home heating and electricity use by buying energy-efficient appliances
  • Buy foods that are locally grown or organic
  • Composting all organic waste and recycling all possible

What actions can the municipal government take?

  • Harness solar energy
  • Optimize buildings by improving insulation, making the building weathertight, and installing ventilation systems 
  • Developing better and more efficient public transportation
  • Use smart meters that help track energy usage

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2 Comment(s)

May 11, 2016

Great research! How might we encourage others (ex. students) to use a more eco-friendly mode of transportation?

Jackson Fisher
Apr 10, 2016

Very well written, I'm interested to learn more about the effect transportation has on the climate change. I personally think you should focus in on one of the more realistic solutions.

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