Why Now?

Health   Apr 15, 2016 by Amanda Ma

Using clean energy sources is effective to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere. This strategy will reduce the affects of climate change on Toronto's health and have many more benefits overtime. Climate change currently and will in the future represent a serious health issue that we need to tackle. The changing climate has a great impact on our health now more than ever.

Some things you can do as an individual include:

  • avoid using vehicles like cars
    • take public transportation, bike, walk, etc.
    • also, avoid flying in planes, as it has a greater climate impact than other forms of transport like cars
  •  be energy efficient
    • unplug computers, TVs and other electronics when not in use
    • turn off lights when not in use
    • take shorter showers
    • use cold water instead of hot for washing clothes
    • use LED or compact fluorescent bulbs
  • avoid eating processed foods
    • buy organic and locally grown foods or go to farmers markets
    • grow your own foods

Remember, even the smallest thing could make a difference.

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