What should people do to improve the issues on climate change and agriculture.

Environment   Apr 18, 2016 by AnitaJi

Eat meat-free meals

• Try to eat at least one meat-free meal per day. If you're already doing that, gradually increase the number of meat-free meals you eat.

• Plan ahead. If going meatless means changing your habits drastically, you'll enjoy it more if you do some research and find really yummy recipes before you go shopping.

• Choose veggie restaurants and meatless menu alternatives when you go out — they're sprouting up all over the place!

• Check out these cool websites: Vegetarian Times, Epicurious, World Community Cookbooks

Buy organic and local whenever possible

• Vote with your fork. Let your local farmers know organic is the way to grow! In addition to being better for the climate, organic food has many other advantages. First, it is grown without genetically modified organisms. As well, organic meat, poultry, eggs and dairy come from animals that are not fed antibiotics or growth hormones. And because organic foods are grown in healthy soils, they are typically more nutritious, containing more vitamins and minerals. Finally, organic farms promote genetic biodiversity, create less water pollution and soil damage, and result in fewer poisonings of farm workers, and less harm to wildlife.

• Read labels when you shop. Choose food that is organically grown and locally produced.

• Talk to the produce manager at your grocery store. Tell them what you want and why.

Other things you can do

• Don't waste food. Close to half of all food produced worldwide is wasted after production, discarded in processing, transport, supermarkets and kitchens. When people throw food out, all the resources to grow, ship, package and produce it are wasted, too, including massive amounts of water. Click here to find out how you can help end food waste.

• Grow some of your own food. Growing vegetables at home eliminates some of the transport required to get food to your table. It also lets you grow your food without chemicals. You can grow some great vegetables in even the smallest of spaces such as a balcony or patio space. Try growing herbs, tomatoes, lettuce, and other veggies.

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