#CCWIL Solving Climate Change Problem

Environment   Apr 18, 2016 by Victoria MacDonald

During today's video conference we talked about supporting local businesses/farms. By doing this we can reduce the costs of items because we won't be paying for the shipping costs and we can reduce the amount of CO2 produced by eating locally and not transporting foods from other places. We saw that there was a large amount of CO2 being produced just to transport a food such as bananas that isn't a staple in our diets. If we eat locally it reduces the amount that is being produced from shipping products.

My group talked about that with local food productions there are some limitations such as costs of equipment, soil conditions, competition of larger corporation, seasonal issues, it can be expensive and more. Some solutions we found for the limitations are if people bought locally, producers could make more of their products and prices would be more reasonable, different soils and land could be specialized for a variety of different produce, and the seasonal issues can be fixed by using good storage techniques to store the food throughout the seasons where certain things can't be produced. 

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1 Comment(s)

Victoria Tardif
Apr 18, 2016

These are some really great points! 

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