Ontario's Hospitals and Their Impacts on Climate Change

Apr 20, 2016 by Christy

Ontario's hospitals are hugely contributing to climate change. For example 75-90% of waste coming from hospitals is sent straight to landfills, which are the world's largest man made source of methane gas! Instead of landfills, hospitals should be using options like waste to energy incineration or anaerobic digestion. This would draw attention to these better alternatives and maybe encourage others to start using them too! Also the amount of non environmentally friendly vehicles used for hospitals is unreal. In London there is around 150 ambulances running 24/7. If hospitals switched to using hybrid or electric vehicles, over time they would save money and the environment. Transportation makes up almost 35% of global warming emissions and if hospitals made a couple small changes, it could be reduced. Overall hospitals are major contributors to climate change, especially in southern Ontario but it can be fixed if people are willing to put in the work to save our planet.

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