Bird habitat loss

Environment   Apr 20, 2016 by Evan

Birds, you don't typically think of them losing habitat because you only ever see them in the sky but truly they are losing hundreds of acres of habitat a day. Birds like the bobolink and meadowlark require the tall grasses of eastern Ontario to survive, but these grasses are being destroyed for farm land. Yes they may be able to live in the farm land but often farmers set traps to scare them away. This puts stress on the surviving ecosystems so there is not enough food making the birds die. These two birds are just a couple of the hundreds of species that are losing most if not all of their habitat. A way for the government to help these animals out is by making more provincial parks in the high danger areas. This what I think is a reasonable way the government can help birds.

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1 Comment(s)

This is a great idea about Bird habitat loss, from what I read i think you understand the question. try to add more idea.