what does germany do to recycle textiles?

Apr 27, 2016 by mackenzie

designers are expected to feel responsible for production waste and for end of life products. This is what they have been faced with for a long time. Both in the clothes making industry and in enterprises such as processing and finishing of textile, production waste is generally clearly defined and much is suitable to be reused. In other German medium - size enterprise, there are high- performance system to capture, sort and end - of - textile from households. One conventional way to re- use them is them is the manufacture of reclaimed fibres to make nonwovens or yarn. State- of the art machines have made it possible to process end - of - use clothing to achieve reclaimed fibers. Buttons and other non-textile components are no longer manually detached as that would not be economical. Equipment now available allows total separation of non- textile components. This mean, the basic requirements are met with re- gard to reclaim fibers economically processed and re-used.

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