Climate Change Where I Live

Apr 28, 2016 by Sadeya Sultana


How does climate change impact people in Ontario?

Current Situation/ Context:

Unusual Weather patterns (Prima)

  • Affecting agriculture, growth of food
  • The world's weather patterns are changing. This includes temperature changes (warming in some places and cooling in others) and altered rainfall patterns, as well as more frequent occurrences of hazardous weather events like heavy spring rains and heat waves. Changing climates pose risks to the health and safety of people, wildlife, forests, farms and water supplies.
  • Climate change presents both risks and opportunities for agriculture, food processors and rural communities in Ontario.
  • Due to Ontario’s latitude, global warming is occurring faster in Ontario than the global average
  • While the average temperature around the world went up by 0.75 degrees Celsius in the past century, average temperatures in south-central Canada increased by an average 1.2 degrees Celsius
  • Storm clouds gather on the horizon of Ontario
  • Lyme disease is an illness, which is carried by the black legged tick, has steadily increased in the area over the past few years
  • This disease can be fatal
  • Increased air and water temperatures, along with changes to rain and snow patterns, will reshape the ecology of the province


  • Climate change is happening right now and it is happening rapidly
  • It will continue to grow worse unless something is done about it
  • The sea levels will rise
  • Climate parameters, such as heat waves, changes in water availability, extreme storm events, drought and pests, are expected to influence agricultural production.
  • Some of these parameters are also expected to affect Ontario's food processing sector and rural communities.
  • This will affect farmers in Ontario, who work so hard to grow food for us.

Solution/ Action to Take:

  • Plant more trees
  • Reduce our use of electronics
  • Let the natural world repopulate again
  • Reduce our use of fossil fuels
  • Build Resilience
  • Reduce carbon emission
  • Raise cost in carbon pollution


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