Mar 21, 2017 by Stehanie

How will the construction of metrolinx and extension of subway stations affect people? Will there be more people taking public transportation since it is more accessible for everyone? This question is based on the research I have been doing with regards to how people can reduce the use of cars and burning fossil fuels committing to climate change. During this research i have found that in the city of Toronto they have proposed a lot of plans to build more subway systems in and around that city. One of them right now it the extension of the York-Spadina subway line. This line goes up all the way to highway 7 and Jane the last stop being Vaughan Metropolitan Centre. Another construction we have going on is the Metrolinx running along Eglinton. This is a train system that they plan to be finished in 2020, this was proposed so that way people can get across the city in a short period of time and being able to transfer to different lines and buses when going to work. I think that this is a good question because burning fossil fuels is a major impact towards climate change, with encouraging people to slowly transition into public transportation it reduces the amount of cars on the road, the only problem currently is that a lot of transit companies are charging a lot for people that take the ttc or whatever it is on a daily basis to and from work. This question was found through a class discussion since transportation is what everybody uses on a daily basis to get somewhere whether it is work or school.

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Mar 21, 2017

"In Canada, the transportation sector as a whole is responsible for close to 30% of the country’s total greenhouse gas emissions. Passenger vehicles are the biggest source of increases in greenhouse gas emissions within the transportation sector, now accounting for 70 per cent of transportation emissions. Two thirds of these emissions are generated within urban areas." - culled from this link:

In light of the statistics in the quote above, I think it is great that more transit lines of transportation are being built in Toronto. The majority of greenhouse gases come from burning fossil fuels to produce energy but a train system that runs on alternative sources of fuel contributes to clean air. Although we have a long way to go compared to other major cities of the world like London and New York, I believe we will get there slowly but surely to the point where people will prefer transit to driving because it is fast and reliable.

Consider this though... once the transit lines are built, how do we encourage more Canadians to ditch driving and hop on the subway?

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