Inquiry Question: Blog #1

Environment   Mar 22, 2017 by Max Goehrum

What impact does climate change have on the native species in the GTA, with respect to health and population, and vise versa with how the endangered species impact Toronto's climate change?

Declining populations of animal and plant species is a major concern for Toronto, This is why many organizations have dedicated themselves to the protection and conservation of all living things. To complete research on the above question, I would look into any government data on the temperature changes in the past years and that population data of any documented species. Any correlation between the data would represent a dependency on the temperature and an animal, or an animals and the temperature. Looking into anymore government websites for general information on threatened and endangered species would give a general sense of how much effect climate change, and habitat loss has had on them. The next step with the research is to ask the questions on how to fix and restore Toronto's ecosystem health. The questions that need to be asked are “What human activities affect wildlife population and how to lessen the affect”, “What can Toronto's citizens to about this issue?”, “How will the government enforce laws and regulations for saving wildlife species?” After these questions are answered and took to action, then can we really take action on saving Toronto's wildlife.

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3 Comment(s)

Mar 26, 2017

Hello Max,

Climate change is going to affect our native species, and their habitats in many diverse ways. Check out these articles for information and to find out how:

Jessica Karafilov
Mar 22, 2017

Hey Max,


Here's something to kickstart your Inquiry:

I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Jessica (program assistant @ GreenLearning)

Mar 22, 2017

it's a great idea to get the questions out so we can find the solutions?

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