My question concerning Toronto's costly effects of climate change

Technology   Mar 22, 2017 by Ifrah Abdullahi

Response: How might Toronto and Torontonians be affected by climate change impacts, specifically with respect to electricity and communication infrastructure?

This is the question I’ve decided to ask regarding climate change in Toronto. The impacts and effects human activities have done to the climate now affect electricity and communication infrastructure. This is due to the cost and repair of unusual storms, floods and such. I researched about this topic and also used prior knowledge I had concerning the topic. This is a great question because it shines a light to the negative impacts we’ve done on both scales, to the planet and ultimately ourselves. This question opens doors to finding a solution to our problem. How we could improve the state we’re in. Are these effects reversible? What could we have done and what will we continue to do? This is a great question because it targets one of the biggest issues Toronto faces concerning climate change and this topic allows room for improvement concerning the repair of the environment. 

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1 Comment(s)

Jessica Karafilov
Mar 23, 2017

Hey Ifrah,

Great question!

This could be of interest to you throughout your Inquiry:

I'll be keeping an eye out for what you come up with!

Jessica (program assistant @ GreenLearning)

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