Inquiry Findings Blog #2

Health   Mar 22, 2017 by Jennifer Nguyen

Blog Post #2:

What I found from my research is that even though Toronto doesn’t have the air pollution like China, there is still a huge increase of carbon. This affects the human health as it is increasing cardiovascular and respiratory illness. Also, scientists are also predicting that the chances of lyme disease is increasing due to the warmer weather from the result of climate change. It is also predicted that if this continues, hospitalization and emergency department visits will increase as well. In Toronto, this February of 2017 has been recorded the warmest February in Canada. Also, having the same record for January a few years back as well. With that, Toronto is slowly experiencing the climate change along with few floods. It has been predicted by David Suzuki’s Organization that if nothing is being done, Toronto will have an excruciatingly hot summers in 30 years. Fortunately, the government of Toronto has recognized the problem and is trying to make plans to further help the environment. Toronto is planning to create programs to engage residents, community groups, and businesses to also take action. This is important because one of the main reason the environment is in such a poor shape is because people are ignorant and they don’t know what is damaging Earth. People are typically ignorant especially in Toronto because it is such a wealthy, fortunate place where we don’t have to worry about water or smug. People live quite luxuriously and they take it for granted. Furthermore, Toronto is going to try to implicate getting hot water by solar energy, have more local markets and put a carbon tax too. There are also car companies that are helping with the issue as they have created electric cars to be more environmentally friendly. A conclusion that I met through my research is that Toronto is, no matter what, going to be affected in a huge way around 2050 which is why action needs to be made now. Not only is the environment dying, but we are dying too. With the predictions of cardiovascular and respiratory illness and the increase of the spreading of diseases, our health is highly affected. The information I have gathered is from the Toronto site itself, news articles of the climate change, David Suzuki’s Organization’s page and more.

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1 Comment(s)

Mar 26, 2017

We are fortunate that according to your research, Toronto doesn't have to worry about poor air quality and especially smog. I think we need to invest in expanding our transportation system (driving electric cars, taking the transit, cycling to work etc) to further ensure we don't run into problems like China.

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