Inquiry Findings Blog #2

Health   Mar 22, 2017 by Aisha Adams

To find answers to my question I read various articles posted on the internet by Health Canada. There i found that climate change affects our health, well being and culture in various ways. Ways such as; provides bad air quality, causes food and water borne diseases, causes respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses, puts pressure on health care systems etc. i also found out that due to the rapid change in weather many crops such as, maple, cannot be cultivated. I also found that diseases such as Lyme disease, dengue, malaria etc. are becoming a huge problem in Canada and due to our lack of experience in these illnesses more and more people are dying from them. I also found out that more and more power outages are occurring in the country due to extreme weather storms. I reached to the conclusion that if this issue is not addressed Canada along with other countries around the world will be hit by devastating disasters. 

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1 Comment(s)

Mar 26, 2017

There is a need for extreme weather preparedness in Canada in case of these disease and inclement weather outbreaks! It seems all our healthcare institutions would benefit from a climate change plan.

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