How might biodiversity be protected in Toronto due to climate change?

Environment   Mar 22, 2017 by Yasmeen

How might biodiversity be protected in Toronto due to climate change? This question came to mind because of the discussions we had in class, many of them got me thinking in what Toronto is doing to help biodiversity. Many of the issues and solutions regarding climate change don't take into account the animals and ecosystems that are involved since we are an urban city. Many people overlook the fact that there are many ecosystems that are gravely at a disadvantage due to the climate change, and could possibly be lost in the process. I selected this topic because without these ecosystems we cannot have many of the things we like, such as national parks and because it caught my attention in regards to as we can help make a difference. With this question it helps me understand and further know what people are doing to help and contribute to the help and protection of biodiversity and ecosystems without totally disregarding the human impact on these problematic issues.

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2 Comment(s)

Mar 26, 2017

Hello Yasmeen,

We are fortunate to have a government that is committed to the preservation of biodiversity in the conservation of Canada's natural heritage. This link will provide you with more information as you research solutions to your inquiry questions:

Jessica Karafilov
Mar 23, 2017

Hi Yasmeen,

You're absolutely right: climate change is affecting every single one of our ecosystems!

Here's a website that you might find useful throughout your Inquiry:

Keep up the great work!

Jessica (program assistant @ GreenLearning).

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