Inquiry Question: Blog #1

Environment   Mar 22, 2017 by Mohamed

Inquiry Question #1 : How might carbon tax be imposed on the TTC? How might carbon tax be imposed on Torontonians who take public transportation? Will Torontonians react positively?


This question always had my attention since I first started hearing about the government thinking of taxing people for carbon. Transportation and housing in Toronto has a major impact in climate change due to its exhaust of heat and gas. I had to go through a lot of websites and mini articles focusing on changes for climate change to make a connection with carbon taxes. After doing a lot of research, I seen a lot of articles mentioning carbon tax which sticked out to my attention because it made me believe that by enforcing taxes we are forcing consumers to make a change and make our environment a greener place. This made me really think about what’s the next step our government will take to improve our transportation and housing problems. It’s a great question to be asked because there’s a lot people who want to be informed about our future plans to help reduce greenhouse gases through transportation and housing. It also makes a good question because it’s a hot topic that can cause controversy, which makes the reader gain curiosity for an complex answer. My question grows in importance the more you think about it.  

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1 Comment(s)

Jessica Karafilov
Mar 23, 2017

Hey Mohamed,

You're right: carbon taxing is extremely controversial in Canada!

Here's some food for thought for your Inquiry: 

I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Jessica (program assistant @ GreenLearning)

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