Blog Post #1

Environment   Mar 22, 2017 by Najwa Sharif

In this assignment my question is; How might climate change affect the migration time of birds that live in Toronto and what other effects does it has on birds too?

I think this is a good question because Toronto’s main animal that we have is birds. The climate change has a strong effect on their habitats, which then will affect the environment. This sparked my interest due to the fact that birds are endangered and that is one of our biggest species we have. This concerned me and i feel like this can affect us Torontonians in bigger ways than we think. This question can lead up to bigger discoveries for me to actually understand the effects of climate change. Climate change can affect more that the living arrangements and actually affect the behavior of our species which can affect the inner ecosystems and cause a more expensive damage on the environment.  

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1 Comment(s)

Jessica Karafilov
Mar 23, 2017

Hey Najwa!

Take a look here:

And here:

Also, there are a couple of other groups inquiring on the impact of climate change on our animals! Here are a couple of them: (Climategurl and Hannah Rinke)- maybe you guys can share ideas and collaborate?


Jessica (program assistant @ GreenLearning)

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