Inquiry Question: Blog #1

Technology   Mar 22, 2017 by Stuart Dietrich

When will Toronto be capable of significantly changing its energy infrastructure so that the majority of energy comes from renewable resources and the infrastructure is able to withstand future climate change issues? and how might this be possible?

I am researching about how Toronto’s energy infrastructure must change to adapt to climate change and help lower GHG emissions. This question summarizes and focuses on both the purpose and capability of Toronto’s energy system with respect to climate change. To reach this question, I researched about climate change issues in Toronto and slowly narrowed my focus to Toronto’s energy infrastructure. After completing a detailed assignment about Toronto’s energy infrastructure and answering questions such as, why is it a concern?, who is trying to solve the problem?, what are proposed solutions?, what is already happening?, and what obstacles are in the way?, I came to the conclusion, that in order for there to be a successful change in the conservation and creation of energy in Canada, certain issues must be dealt with. Therefore, I made sure to include aspects of time and the question, “how might this be possible?” in my question. Also, after doing research for the assignment, I found that currently Toronto might not be fully able to have a low-carbon economy. Therefore, I included the question, “When will Toronto be capable” in my question. This allows for there to be a detailed and complete response of when Toronto can make significant changes to its energy creation and conservation and how Toronto will be able to do this. This is a great question because it fully expands and questions multiple aspects of Toronto’s energy infrastructure with respect to climate change. Also, it is targeted in a way that allows a focused conclusion to be drawn that is similar to what I found after the in-class research and assignments I have completed.

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1 Comment(s)

Jessica Karafilov
Mar 22, 2017

Hey Stuart!

Check out this link that I posted for Lene Bø Johannessen from the Alberta Distance Learning:

He's also investigating the feasibilty of renewable energies in Canada, and has the unique perspective of someone coming from a country in which 98% of energy needs are produced from renewable sources (Norway). Maybe you two can share your findings? 

I look forward to reading all about it!

Jessica (program assistant @ GreenLearning)

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