Inquiry Question: Blog #2

Health   Mar 23, 2017 by Stuart Moffat

During my research I got the majority of my information from the Municipal government of Toronto. I learned that there are not only direct health impacts of climate change in Toronto but there are also a few indirect problems. For example, because of the warming climate in Toronto mosquito and tick populations have begun to flourish as Toronto’s climate becomes similar to where these insects thrive. Mosquitos and ticks carry infectious diseases like malaria, and incurable diseases like lyme disease. Climate change also affects our health through the quality of the air we breathe and the increased risk of flooding. When areas flood it can cause the spread of many waterborne diseases. With the extreme levels of GHG emissions in Toronto the quality of air will continue to get worse increasing the risk of lung cancer. From this information we can conclude that if Toronto does not make a change to reduce its GHG emissions and fight climate change a lot of people will be impacted by the potential health impacts. Not only will Toronto’s citizen’s health be affected but day to day activities will be interrupted as hospitals and clinics become overwhelmed by people seeking help. In conclusion, Toronto must act fast to ensure the health and safety of all Torontonians.

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