Inquiry Question Blog #1

Health   Mar 22, 2017 by Aisha Adams

 My inquiry question for this climate change project is; how is climate change affecting the health, well being and culture of humans?

In order to come to this question we, as a class, had to look at the various areas that climate change has a major impact on. After finding these areas we had to look at each one separately in order to decide which one was being affected the most. We were told to decide for ourselves and this was my decision. Over the March break I did a little more research on the areas and found that though they are all being affected, human health is being affected the most. This question is an excellent question because more and more humans are dying due to climate change. So i started to wonder; besides the rapid heat up of the earth, in what ways is climate change really affecting us as humans? How does it affect our culture, way of life, as well as our well being?

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3 Comment(s)

Shamar Brown
Mar 27, 2017

wow, that's very interesting I didn't know it results in human death. 

Mar 26, 2017

Hello Aisha,

This article might be helpful although it is U.S. based but maybe having read it, then you will be able to find a Canadian equivalent to it. It talks about vector borne diseases and how climate change contributes to disease outbreaks earlier in the year:

Jessica Karafilov
Mar 22, 2017

Hey Aisha,

Great topic! Here's some information that may be useful to you in your Inquiry:

Keep up the great work!

Jessica (program assistant @ GreenLearning)

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